Midwest Mold played host to 30 Roseville High School Students from the Career Technical Education Department for the 2014 Manufacturing Day Oct 3rd. The student’s curriculums comprised of automotive, marketing, business and journalism. Groups were organized to personalize the experience as they moved from station to station. There they were able to see the process required for each department, unfold in real time for the construction of plastic injection molds.
Students were given an overview at each station on what it takes to build a mold from design to the final shop product. Each group received a firm understanding of the technology & functions required in Design & Manufacturing. They realized how dependent each department is on it computers, but more so on the teams of highly skilled & specialized individuals it takes to produce the end product.
Some students have applied to college while others haven’t decided as of yet. The tour at Midwest Mold gave each student an opportunity to see the manufacturing industry in action and a possible path for a career in a field they may have not thought about before. By participating in this annual event, Midwest Mold provided each student another avenue to explore and demonstrated the opportunities available to them in the manufacturing sector; one that is too often overlooked.

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